For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, " Abba, Father!"
Romans 8:15
"If I were to ask God why He lets poverty and injustice exist, why there are so many orphans and why He does nothing about it, I am SURE He would ask me the same ..."
My name is Jessica and my dear sweet hubby is Kelly. We have three beautiful girls, big sis and little sis plus our newest little baby sis :) Welcome to our site where we will blog about our journey to grow our family through adoption in Africa.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Cruise Giveaway!
Nope, not me :) but, another adopting family is fundraising to bring their little one home, hop on over and help them and you may have a chance to win a cruise!
Sponsor One of our Girls in their 1 mile Family Fun Run!
How you can help:
1. Most importantly, pray!
Pray for us, our agency, and our little boy that will soon join our family.
2. You can donate.
Our adoption is going to cost between $25,000-$38,000. Our God is BIG and we know HE will provide! You can see the complete cost break-down here. You can safely donate thru the button below. Thanks for all your support!
3. Do you have a great fundraiser idea to share with us? We are all ears, please share, share, share!
4. Are you the very organized type, do you love to plan events? Maybe you could do more than just participate in a fundraiser, we will accept any and ALL help ;)
Just wan to give...
Grab My Button
We earn $ from each item purchased to go toward funding our adoption!
Our Family
The Three Girlies
Adoption Timeline
6/6/11 - Finished application and scheduled doctor and homestudy appointments.
6/2/11 - Received an email fromour family coordinator and told that the policy has changed, we can come back into the program WITHOUT waiting till baby is 6 moths old!
11/6/10 - Photography Fundraiser (+650)
9/19/10 -Children's Consignment Sale (+330)
7/12/10 - We are pregnant! Adoption put on hold until new baby is 6 months. :(
7/8/10 - Homestudy emailed to AWAA for approval
7/7/10 - Paid balance for homestudy (-$800)
6/29/10 - Received our Marriage Certificate from NC (finally!)
6/27/10 - Third Homestudy Visit
6/17/10 - Received Jessica's Birth Certificate from D.C.
6/15/10 - Received Criminal Checks {No Records! ;) }
6/12/10 - Yard Sale (+$480)
6/10/10 - Second Homestudy Visit
6/5/10 - First Homestudy Visit
6/3/10 - Both of our Physical Exams
6/1/10 - Jessica finished Hague Online Training
5/28/10 - Kelly finished Hague Online Training
5/26/10 - Paid 1st payment for Home Study (-$1007)
5/15/10 - Yard Sale/Bake Sale (+$490)
5/14/10 - Bake Sale @ Walmart (+$184)
5/7/10 - Assigned a Family Coordinator, started paper chase and registered for Hague Training (-$175)
4/29/10 - Mailed Application for Homestudy to CFS (-$100)
4/29/10 - Mailed Paperwork and 1st Program Fee to AWAA (-$1500)
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